Ιδιωματικές φράσεις
Οι ιδιωματικές φράσεις είναι ένα από τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά μίας γλώσσας. Ιδιαίτερου ενδιαφέροντος είναι οι, κατά καιρούς, μελέτες με θέμα το πώς αποδίδονται σε άλλες γλώσσες τέτοιες φράσεις. Μαθητές του γυμνασίου, υπό την καθοδήγηση των Σοφίας Ηρακλείδου και Χριστιάννας Μαυρομάτη, παρουσίασαν την απόδοση ελληνικών ιδιωματικών φράσεων σε Γερμανικά και Γαλλικά. Τις εργασίες τους συνοδεύουν σκίτσα εμπνευσμένα από την κάθε φράση και ζωγραφισμένα από τα ίδια τα παιδιά.
Ταξίδι σε Γαλλία-Γερμανία μέσα σε λίγα λεπτά (περιδιαβαίνοντας το διάδρομο του γυμνασίου)
Οι καθηγήτριες Σοφία Ηρακλείδου (Γερμανικών) και Χριστιάννα Μαυρομάτη (Γαλλικών) ανέλαβαν να μας ταξιδέψουν γρήγορα και, προπαντώς, ανέξοδα, στις κυριότερες πόλεις της Γερμανίας και της Γαλλίας. Το μόνο που χρειάζεται να κάνει ο πρόθυμος, "ταξιδιώτης" είναι να σταθεί μπροστά στις αφίσες που ετοίμασαν οι μαθητές τους και να τις διαβάσει. Τα υπόλοιπα ας τα αναλάβει η φαντασία του κάθε ένα.
1. Γερμανία:
2. Γαλλία:
Οι μαθητές χρησιμοποιούν τη φαντασία τους
Στο πλαίσιο του μαθήματος των Αγγλικών, οι μαθητές της Α' Γυμνασίου αναλαμβάνουν να...αφήσουν τη φαντασία τους να οργιάσει. Οι καθηγητές τους Ελένη Αλεξοπούλου και Μιχάλης Κυπριωτάκης τους αναθέτουν να συνθέσουν τις δικές τους ιστορίες μυστηρίου και φαντασίας. Κάποιοι/ες μαθητές/τριες παρουσιάζουν ιδιαίτερα ενδιαφέρον στυλ γραφής και μερικές ιστορίες έχουν πολύ ενδιαφέρον και ΑΠΙΣΤΕΥΤΗ ΦΑΝΤΑΣΙΑ!
Οι ιστορίες αυτές είτε τυπώνονται σε μορφή τεύχους και διανέμονται στα παιδιά είτε συμπεριλάμβανονται στη θεματολογία του "Ημέρες Σχολείου". Το εξώφυλλο και το οπισθόφυλλο του κάθε τεύχους σχεδιάζεται από τους ίδιους τους μαθητές. Και σε αυτήν την περίπτωση, τα αποτελέσματα είναι πάρα πολύ καλά.
Ακολουθούν οι εργασίες των μαθητών/τριών:
1) ΕΤΟΣ 2006-2007
Written by: Rania Sevastaki, Nick Sourgias, Vassilina Yfantis, Neokratis Sarantos, Vassilis Skoulas, Mary Spourdalaki, Mary Stavroulaki, Christine Tampakaki, Adelaida Trapali, Kallia Fanouraki, Alexandros Charitakis, Eliza Chnari, Konstantina Chondrou, Mary Christaki
Front Cover Illustration by: Vassilina Yfantis
Back Cover Illustration by: Filomila Fraidaki
Published: March 2007
It was an idea that came up rather suddenly. At the beginning, we all felt awkward about that. We didn’t know what form the booklet would have; the kids didn’t feel so confident about publishing their own stories. Fortunately, these fears didn’t last for more than a few minutes. So, here it is. It was the children’s imagination and their creativity that contributed in publishing their own stories. More than enough to make you feel you excited, don’t you think? I am sure that you will find some of the writings to your liking. Therefore, let’s open the doors of the lift and begin the journey to mystery and imagination!
Michalis Kypriotakis
March 2007
The Space Land
Something weird was going on with that lift. Its buttons were red with numbers on them. I pressed the button with the number 15. I didn’t know where it was going.
When the doors opened, I was shocked: I was in space. Big rocks were in the air and they were flying. I closed my eyes and I waited. When I opened my eyes, I thought that it was a stupid joke. I called for help but no one responded to me.
The big dark sky was really scary. Some stars were shining but nobody was watching them. I started walking. My first thought was that I fell into the big dark. But nothing like that had happened. I kept on walking. It was something like a fly but, while I was walking, something talked to me.
I tried to see what that thing was but, while I was looking around, I saw a piece of rock. It wasn’t moving and I went closer. Something was written on it. I read three words: “The Space Land”.
I started to search for the lift again. Yes, there it was! I started to run and the rocks started to move very fast. When I got into the lift, I looked again at this world as I pressed the button with number 1. The doors closed and the lift started going down.
When I returned to the restaurant, my mum said: “Where have you been?” “If I tell you, you won’t believe me” I said and I sat on the chair.
Rania Sevastaki
When the doors opened, I found myself in another world. It was strange and different. This place was not happy at all. It was terrifying because strange creatures lived there. They called themselves “Danonitos”. They put a spell on me and they made me look like them. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to return to my world. Suddenly, I heard my mother’s voice calling “Nick, where are you? You must wake up and eat breakfast!!!”. I opened my eyes and I returned to my own world…What a dream!!!
Nick Sourgias
Town of Tears
I appeared in a terrifying place. Its name was “The Town of Tears”. I tried to think but I heard cries, sad voices and screams from everywhere. I was afraid. When I closed my eyes, I saw people crying and, when I opened them, I saw stairs, black and white spots, triangles and weird shapes all over the place. I started to cry and
scream loudly and all these things disappeared. I found myself in my room with my brother again.
Vassilina Yfantis
The name of this place is Flowerworld. The sun and flowers are very beautiful. I stayed there for two days and then I left.
Neokratis Sarantos
Neila Planet
I am on a lift and I want to go to the building to see the view of the sea. When the doors opened I was in another world.
This world was terrifying. I gave it a name. I named the world Neila. I was terrified and I was walking slowly. Then I saw a monster. It started to run behind me. Suddenly, I reached the edge of the planet and I fell out of it. While I was falling, I thought I was dead. But after about 2 minutes I was outside the building.
Vassilis Skoulas
Boom!!! The doors open… I hear a strong sound…I see a pink world…I am afraid because I am alone, but it looks happy. What is its name? Ah, it’s “TownPink”. Wow!
Oh, look! There are some people. These people are pink. The trees, the flowers, the animals are pink. Oh, no! Am I dreaming? Wow! My clothes are pink…It’s strange… Wow! I can fly! It’s the most beautiful place in the world!!! Here the people are friendly. “Hello Maria”. “Me? Oh, hello” What is this? Oh, I can’t see, I can’t see. Luckily, the strange thing disappeared. But…I am in my bedroom. What happened? “Maria, are you ok?” “Yes Mum”.
Mary Spourdalaki
This is Honolulu. It is a big, happy place on the 89th floor. It’s a beautiful place because it’s a tropical island but there is a haunted tree as well. The first time I saw it I was very scared, but I met a friendly dog. We played on the trees and we enjoyed ourselves. Suddenly, I remember I had English at 6 o’clock. I ran away, found the lift and went to my house.
Mary Stavroulaki
The Land of Roo
When the doors opened, I found myself in another world. It was a giant forest, full of exotic trees and plants. It was a beautiful world called “The Land of Roo”.As I was exploring the forest, a kangaroo suddenly jumped out of a bush and grabbed me. Because of my big ears and my furry coat, it thought I was its lost baby. It put me in its pouch and gave me some sleeping syrup. When I woke up, I was in a little wooden house. The kangaroo must have left me, so it could find some food. I thought that the only way for me to get out of this world was to find the real baby kangaroo and switch places with me. After about half an hour, I finally got out of the house and started searching for the baby. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find it. I gave up hope and walked back.
As I was walking towards the house, I fell in a big hole. Then I saw the little baby kangaroo. It must have fallen in here while looking for food. I took it and got out. We arrived at the house and I put the baby in its small nest. I said goodbye but when I turned round, the mother kangaroo had arrived. She thanked me and opened a magical door so that I could leave. I arrived at home safe and sound.
Christina Tampakaki
Being run after by lollipops
I have been to Finland twice but the last time something really strange happened.
If I remember well, it was evening and my parents were still sleeping. So my brother and I decided to take a walk round the hotel. The hotel was big with many rooms and floors. It also had three elevators on our floor. We got in one of them and we pushed the button to the ground floor. Then it suddenly stopped.
We were terrified but it worked again. When the elevator’s door opened, we stepped out quickly. We weren’t in a world full of sweets, cakes, lollipops, chocolates and
many other similar things. We weren’t terrified anymore. We were happy. I tried to eat a chocolate but I couldn’t. When you touched it, it would vanish. Then my brother saw a path with a sign which wrote: “Sweets at your toes”.
Suddenly, thousands of sweets started to hunt us. We were running hand in hand until the elevator appeared. We got in and we pushed the button to the 9th floor. We stepped out and we were in our room. Luckily, my parents were still sleeping. My brother and I felt asleep too.
Next morning everything was normal. My brother didn’t remember anything. Maybe it was a nightmare or, perhaps, I had imagined it.
Adelaida Trapali
So, we went back to that same strange place. When the door opened, we saw the monkey eating bananas on a tree. We looked up in the sky and it was a beautiful blue with no clouds. It was a hot sunny day and so we took off our jackets. In front of us there were trees and bushes. The place looked very interesting.
We started to walk slowly through the jungle. We stopped every five minutes to look at the amazing flowers, plants and insects. The monkey followed us but it never came close.
We had been walking for about two hours when we heard an unusual sound. At first, we didn’t understand what it was because we were very tired. Suddenly, we realized what it was and we started running to the sound. We pushed our way through some big green bushes and found ourselves in front of a huge waterfall. The water looked cold and clean, so we ran to dive in, have a swim and have a drink. After the long hot walk, the water felt fantastic. The monkey sat on a rock and watched us.
After we had swum, we were hungry. We watched the monkey to see where the bananas were, but, when we tried to climb up a tree, we couldn’t reach the fruit. Then, the monkey helped us because it went up the tree and got bananas for us.
I think we had a lot of fun. I want to go there again.
Kallia Fanouraki
Another World
It was a quiet evening and I was outside the lift of an enormous building planning to have a look at the great number of shops, restaurants and cinemas in it. I got in the lift and pressed the button. When it started moving, I realized that it was going faster than I could imagine. Suddenly, I felt dazed. The doors opened and I got out in a mysterious world, where everything you could imagine existed. And the gravity
was completely absent.
I stepped out of the lift and went out to have a look at this great place! Then, the lift disappeared and I decided to have a look at those nice PCs, the mobile phones, the candies and those things that seemed untouched by human hands. There were balls, books, windows, pens, wallets, ice creams, bags and many other things floating in the air. And what was the best? I was floating with them. It was lovely!
I spent two hours there playing video games, floating around looking at some strange objects, like a little robot with strange eyes that gave out a pale light, a teddy bear which repeated again and again: “I like carrots. Do you like carrots?” Also, a thick, black book with sharp teeth that bit everything around it. That was fun!
After a long time, I got tired of being alone there and I started looking for an exit. Somehow, after seven doors and several windows I had opened, I found the exit to my world and, when I got out, I felt that my world wasn’t so lonely and it sure was happier than the one I had been to.
Of course, I didn’t leave without souvenirs (such as a new PC, a mobile phone, a pack of candies, two ice creams etc). When I looked back, that building seemed to have a floor less. What a pity!
Filomila Fraidaki
Food World
“Wow!” I said. “This is the best place I have ever seen.” There was food everywhere: turkeys, chickens, hot dogs, hamburgers. There were drinks too. I wondered if it had a name. I thought that it was “The Food World”. I was eating a lot and my tummy was 30 metres long. I didn’t feel very well and suddenly…boom!!!!! Then I woke up.
Alexandros Charitakis
Welcome to Tsihiro
The receptionist told me to get to the lift. His office was on the 82nd floor. “Here I am”, I thought. Suddenly while I was walking out of the lift, I realized that I was in another world. An absolutely different world!!!
I looked back but it was too late; the lift had disappeared. The only thing that I could see was a big label, which said “Welcome to Tsihiro”. I thought that this was the name of the town I was. I tried to calm down. Then I understood that I was in an isolated small town with wonderful light colours which surrounded me as I was walking. A few minutes later, I saw the little mall of the town and its people. They were short with long brown hair and blue eyes. They spoke a foreign language and I
couldn’t understand what they were saying. Suddenly, all of them started running to their houses and locking their doors. Then a group of people with special uniforms and equipment shot me with a strange gun.
Afterwards, I woke up on the bed of a strange laboratory. When I woke up, I heard a familiar voice. It was calling my name. It was the time when I woke up and I realized that this entire story was just a dream!!
Eliza Chnari
The place with no name
I am in the lift of a tall building. Suddenly, the doors open and I find myself in another world. The place is happy and very very strange. The place hasn’t got a name. It’s unnamed. When I saw a garden, the colors of flowers changed. The leaves of the tree came down. The lift disappeared. I got frightened. Suddenly, a giant bird told me: “Constantina, come on.” I came and the giant bird took me to my house.
Constantina Chondrou
Your worst nightmare
The lift stopped, the doors opened and I found myself in another world. It was very terrifying!!
This place was called “Your worst nightmare”. In this terrifying place a bat bit me. My hand started bleeding and I started to scream. While I was screaming, a gold lift appeared and took me back home…
Mary Christaki
The land of Zero
One day, while I was walking to my grandma’s, I got into a lift. When the door opened, my grandmother’s house had been transformed into a big garden with purple leaves. When I made one step out of the lift, it disappeared. I tried to find the exit.
Finally, I realized that there is no exit and that I had been going round in circles all the time.
After a while, I heard my mother shouting at me because I hadn’t finished my homework yet. So, all this was a bad nightmare
Kimon Chrissakis
2) ΕΤΟΣ 2007-2008
(Stories of mystery and imagination written by the students of A1-A2)
Have you ever wondered what imagination is? Let yourself read the students` stories and you’ll soon find out. Fasten your seatbelts! A trip (not to the Land of Zero but) to the “Land of Imagination” begins! Another thing I’d like to mention: Don’t be afraid! It’s only imaginative kids. Enjoy a bowl of popcorn while reading as if you were watching a horror film…
Xomeritaki Angeliki
April 2008
The front cover was created by Manolis Orfanoudakis. The back cover was designed by Makrakis Dimitris. The title was Marianna Mertzanis' idea.
One day a little kid called Amy had a very scary experience. She was sitting in the living room watching TV. There was nothing interesting on, so she turned the TV off, planning to turn it on back again at four o’clock to watch her favourite show. She got up and looked at the watch. It was 12.05 p.m. As she was walking into the kitchen to get a snack, she suddenly saw a bright flash of light and felt herself rising off the floor. She closed her eyes as she was going up because she was afraid. When she opened them, she found herself in her bedroom upstairs, with a plate of half eaten sandwiches in her hand. Immediately, she ran back down to the living room and heard the theme tune of her favourite programme on TV. It was four o’clock. I don’t suppose we will ever really know what happened to her that afternoon.
Karkavitsas Spyros
Last summer, my family and I went camping to a village nearby for the weekend. My friend Spyros was spending the weekend there too, visiting his grandparents. Mr. Kostas, Spyros` grandfather, told us that the house on top of the hill was believed to be haunted. Spyros and I decided to visit the house and find out if that was true. When we reached the house, we were a bit scared but we decided to go inside. We opened the door and everything was very dark. We could hear some strange sounds and doors creaking. Suddenly, a song started playing on an old radio. Spyros and I looked at each other and started running back to the village. I have never been more scared in my life!
Mihakos Nick
A scary night a little boy was running in the streets of New York. He wanted to find his mother because she had gone to the supermarket and was late for three hours. The boy went from a small street to go faster. When he got into the small street he saw a terrorist who caught his mother and killed her. When the boy went near the terrorist he put out a gun and....
Sifakis Nick
One night three good friends, two boys and one girl, decided to go for a walk in the street. They were talking about many things when ten minutes later the lights turned off. The children lost the way to go home because of the darkness. Suddenly, they heard lots of voices that were coming sounding louder and louder. They were very terrified as they couldn’t recognize any of those voices. Finally, they found the way to go home because the lights turned on.
Veneris Steven
One day three football players went to a stadium to play football. They met eight players there. The captain of the three players went to the captain of the eight players to say to him to play a match all together. Suddenly, a monster came out of the net. It was huge and terrifying. All the players were screaming and went out of the stadium. Nobody has been to this stadium since then.
Milonas Lefteris
In this country, there is a forest called:” The black forest”. This forest is a big and dark forest with black trees. The “Unknown” lives here. The “Unknown” is a creature which can take people’s hearts and eat them. One night a man called Mike went through the black forest and met the “Unknown”. The “Unknown” took his heart. That man never returned from the black forest again.
Nerantzoulis Antonis
Once upon a time, there were three boys in the forest. It was night. They were walking and walking when suddenly they listened to a scary voice. At once they ran but they fell down. At daybreak they woke up and went to their houses. On the second day they were very scared. Finally, they didn’t go to the forest again.
Pervolaraki Georgina
One day a girl went into the forest to collect mushrooms for her grandmother. As she was walking through the forest, she saw a stone that had a strange shape. But when she touched the stone, the girl turned into a lizard. They were searching for her for a week and her grandmother was very upset. They never found the little girl. A lot of mushrooms grow in that forest at the spot where the stone was, but nobody collects them because they are afraid.
Patsioura Athina
It was cold outside and it was late in the afternoon. Philip Reeve was walking on the little road between the short and small houses with the little gardens. Leaves were falling on the grass and the fog was too heavy.
Philip turned to a path on the left that led him outside the village. He
was there with an important mission, and he had to get back alive.
He had heard stories about the big old graveyard outside the village. There was a story about a strange thing, which was very tall and with a black mantle moving inside the graveyard. The previous week, Joe Edal, an old friend of Philip, had disappeared in the graveyard. The village was living in fear but now everything was going to end.
Philip got inside the graveyard. Graves made of stone were standing in a deathlike silence everywhere around. The fog was heavy now and dark clouds were moving in the sky. The trees, without leaves, looked dark and scary.
He walked along the path. He opened his old sack which had a big hole. He got a riffle from his bag. It was hanging on the wall of his house and he had got it. He loaded it and he continued walking along the path. He heard something on the left and he turned. A horse was running through the graves, but where was it? He couldn’t see it but he heard it, it was getting close to him! He screamed and the horse stopped.
He could feel that something was watching him. Suddenly, a tall rider with a mantle appeared in the path on his left. Philip picked up the riffle and shot. A big hole opened on the right of his enemy’s mantle. He didn’t stop. He pulled a long shining sword from his back and he continued riding, making huge jumps with his horse. Philip loaded his riffle again and aimed.
The rider was now five meters far from him. Philip shot. People in the village heard the second shot, but only an old woman said: “Another man who thinks he can defeat the Rider with the sword.”
Back in the graveyard, the footprints of a horse and a rider with a mantle were able to be seen. A few metres away, Philip Reeve was fallen on the red snow.
Makrakis Dimitris
It was almost midnight. Lucy was sleeping but suddenly she heard a strange noise. She woke up and got out of the room. Suddenly she saw something moving in the living room. She screamed because she was afraid. Her parents woke up too. They turned on the lights and they saw Lucy’s brother, Peter, sitting in the living room...!
Nikokiraki Marietta
One day I was with my friend Mary in the village where her parents come from. As we were walking in the yard, we heard a strange noise coming from a house nearby.
Hearing that noise, I told her that it was a ghost that had woken up. “It is a dangerous ghost; I think it’s a vampire. It will come and try to take us into its lab. You know, Mary, it can hypnotise and kill us. It will take our skin off, cut our flesh into pieces in order to eat it and, finally, it will drink our blood as if it was water. It will put the rest of the flesh and blood in the fridge.
You know Mary, ghosts exist and they are ferocious if they don’t have meat to eat or blood to drink. During the day they sleep, in the afternoons they wake up and stay in front of the window watching the girls that are in the village and decide which one they will kill at night.
Mary, can you hear that whispering coming from the house? It’s the ghost. Let’s go in the house so that it won’t see us.
Stop, Kate, stop!! I’m too afraid to stay alone. Every time I hear a noise, I think that a ghost will appear in front of me.”
Kogeraki Katerina
Once upon a time, there was a Monster. This Monster found people and ate them. This Monster lifted houses and knocked them down. This Monster lived in the park of the city and the children couldn’t play. One day, a king went there and killed this monster. Since then everybody has been very happy there.
Klironomos John
One night, Dawn and Willow spent the night together in Willow’s bedroom for a sleepover. They were watching TV when suddenly they heard a loud noise coming from the living room. They went downstairs to find out what the noise was. They opened the door and there in front of them the old megaphone started turning itself on and off. The windows opened by themselves and the lights were turning on and off continuously. They called the police but they didn’t get a reply on the other line. Seconds later somebody said: “Who are you? Are you dead? Have you killed anyone? ”. Dawn put down the phone at once and started to scream. She ran out leaving Willow by herself in the house. She ran on the roads searching for someone she could tell about the dreadful event that had happened. But no one was there. The next day Dawn woke up in a hospital. She was surrounded by people she didn’t know. It turned out that the people were her parents and all the other things, which she had seen the other night, were a dream! But we can never be sure...
Mertzanis Marianna
After we had sailed half across Athens, our ship wedged between a rock and a reef and then the wreckage floated on the surface. Shipwrecked people made use of life-belts and life-boats. The whole crew were standing by because of the storm. “Make haste, the gangway will be hauled in a few minutes. The tugboat is ready to tow the boat out of the port.” Then I remembered the ocean liner “The Titanic” in her virginal voyage had hit an iceberg and had sank.
Stavroulaki Athina
I was with my friend and we were walking along the road. It was evening. Suddenly a ghost appeared. It was big and ferocious. It was flying and it could hypnotise people. It was chasing to kill us. We were running all the time. We called the police. Fortunately, we were able to kill the ghost with our gun. Finally, we woke up and all these were just a dream!
Linardakis Jack
If you want to read a book about something happy, you will be disappointed because this book is about a dangerous criminal.
Part 1
The killer gets to work: One night the criminal escaped from the prison which was on an island. The cops lost his footprints. The criminal went to his deserted factory. This factory belonged to him but one day he went to the “liberty” casino and he lost all his fortune in a game of cards. The following week the cops found the body of the winner of the card game outside the factory. He was hanging from a tree. Then, the FBI found a piece of paper on the body which said: ”YOU WILL NEVER FIND ME”.
Part 2
The killer leaves America: The killer went to the army airport and he stole an F16 with rockets on its wings. Then, he flew away from America and he went to Thailand. The radar tracked his airplane. The Thai police tried to stop him but they didn’t manage because he hit them with rockets and their airplane exploded. After that, he jumped out of the airplane with his parachute and he fell into the sea. The police patrol tried to find him but they only found his parachute and his jacket a little further with his wallet, his money, his ID card and his iron-fist. Unfortunately, the criminal had torn off his photo.
Part 3
An hour later he went to his cave. Then somebody else came and he knocked on the door because these two men had made a deal. The man who knocked on the door was called “grave-digger” because he sold dead bodies. He had brought a lorry full of dead bodies and drugs. The “grave-digger” and the criminal drank a bottle of red wine and smoked a cigarette.
Later they started to count the bodies. They should have been 498 but they were 497 because one was missing. The criminal and the “grave-digger» got scared. An hour later the cops found the body on the road 1 km away.
Part 4
The soldiers, the FBI, and the CIA with their weapons found the two guys with their helicopter. They started launching rockets to the cave. The noise was terrible. Many soldiers jumped from the helicopter with ropes and they stopped out of the cave. They broke the door but the criminal and “grave-digger” had escaped with their “Hummer” which was in the garage.
Part 5
On the road to Texas: Before arriving to Texas, the petrol had finished. A little further away, they found an abandoned car and they stole it. Just before Texas the FBI was waiting for them. A soldier shot “Gravedigger” in the head and he dropped dead but the other criminal got away.
Part 6
The secret house: The criminal continued his journey alone. When he went to Texas he got to the secret house and he took his weapon. Inside the secret house there was a beautiful woman. She was tall, blond with brown eyes. She was holding a suitcase with a lot of money but the money was forged. The woman was the wife of a criminal. The criminal and his wife went to the supermarket but at the cash-desk the accountant realised that the money was forged. The criminal acted quickly so that the accountant didn’t have time to press the button under the cash-desk. His wife gave him an axe and he killed the accountant. Then, they stole all the money from the cash-desk.
Nathenas Thomas
One day Arnold went to collect mushrooms in the woods with his father. When they reached there, Arnold’s father told him to stay with him but Arnold didn’t listen to him and rushed into the forest. Suddenly, he heard a noise and he looked back. He saw a wolf with four heads. Then he began running. Five minutes later he reached the car. He went in but the wolf opened the door with his mouth and his sharp teeth, pointed at Arnold and said: “Be more careful next time. You dropped five pounds.” Afterwards, the dog left and his father came back with two bags full of mushrooms. Arnold was shocked by this adventure.
Kokkinis Odysseas
One day Nicky was alone at home. It was night and her parents were at a restaurant. She was watching TV for hours and she was eating pizza. Then she turned the television off and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Then, the phone rang. She ran and picked it up. She said: “Hello, This is Nicky Beckam speaking.” But she didn’t hear anything. Only: “I’m coming to you…” She hung up the phone but then the phone rang again. She said: “Stop calling me. It’s not funny.” But there was no reply. Nicky was very scared and went to her bed to sleep. When she closed her eyes she heard something. Someone was knocking the door. Nicky went to the living room and she opened the door but nobody was there. She closed the door and she saw a man with an electric saw in her house. The man attacked her and then…she woke up. It was just a dream!
Krimilis Chris
Last week my uncle and I were going home. It was a beautiful night and I was very happy. Suddenly, we heard a loud noise. A strange creature jumped in front of us. It was huge and it had four legs. We shouted: “Help! Help! ” A policeman heard us and came to help. We were very scared but the creature had disappeared and the policeman didn’t believe us. It was a night I will never forget!
Katsamanis Manos
It was last weekend when my friend and I decided to go camping. The sun was shining and we all were very excited. We loved camping and we were looking forward to spending the night around the campfire. All night we were sitting around the fire and we were telling each other stories. Soon the stories were about ghosts. Suddenly, I heard something moving behind the trees. We were scared and quickly went in our tents. I was shivering while a shadow was moving towards us. We decided to leave but it was too late. So, we stayed there holding each other because we were very frightened. All of a sudden, the door of our tent opened and while we were waiting for something bad to happen we heard a childish laughter. “There you are!” said our friend John who had decided to join us. When we realized how much scared we were, we burst out laughing. “What a relief!” I said and we gathered around the campfire again.
Adam Kapetanakis
It was September. If I remember well, it was Sunday. I invited two friends to my house. Near my house there was a big forest. It was dark and mysterious. We took some things (torch, water) and went to explore it. W e also took my dog Daphne with us. We were inside the forest. We couldn’t see anything. We had been walking for a few hours when we heard loud voices. We ran. Suddenly the ground disappeared. The dog barked. We fell in cold water. There were a lot of fish in the water but we didn’t know what fish they were. We got out of the lake and we went ashore.
-What was that? , said John.
-We fell. We fell into an unknown world, Roland said.
-Yes but how? , I asked.
-Through a hole on the ground.
Suddenly we heard a horrible sound. A huge dragon appeared. It was red like flames. Its eyes were yellow. There were a lot of horns like knives on it. It was holding a huge sword which was in flames (surely it was a terrible sword). We closed Daphne’s mouth because if she barked, we could be killed by the dragon. The dragon went away. Daphne escaped from our hands.
-“Where are we? Why?” I asked. My question faded away…
Orphanoudakis Manos
One night four friends were having a party. They lit a fire and they all sat round it eating candies. It was very dark. Soon they started telling ghost stories. One boy told a story about a ghost which lived in that house. “Stop!” shouted one girl, “I’m scared. What if it comes true?”
All the other children laughed at her.
Then there was a bang!! The fire went out and there was still a bright light. It was the ghost of the house…
Brahou Helena
Last weekend I was in the living room of my house and I was watching TV when I heard a loud voice. It wasn’t the television, or me. But then, who was it? I was very scared because I believed it was a ghost but the voice I was listening to was out of the house. Suddenly I saw two people who were locking at a car door. They were Mum and Dad. I was very happy. I told my mum that story but mum didn’t believe me. Since then, I haven’t ever seen a scary movie.
Pehynaki Emmanouela
One day a little girl called Ann went to the toy shop to buy a doll. She saw a lot of happy dolls but she wanted to buy an unhappy one. She bought it and went back home. At night the doll was in the living room and Ann was upstairs. Suddenly, Ann heard a voice talking to her: “Ann, I want to play with you!” It was the doll. The girl went to her parents’ bed and slept there. The other night she heard the same voice again. “Ann, I’m near you.” Ann heard the same voice every night for seven days. The eighth night she heard: “Ann, I’m in your room, Ann I’m on your head.
The other morning they found Ann with a knife in her heart and the doll with a big smile.
One night three men were walking in a dark street. Suddenly, one of them saw something terrible. Something like a zombie. The two men were scared and started running. The other man saw another zombie. They were scared and hid in a house. Since then they have never been anywhere at night.
Silligardakis George
Mr. Johnson was driving home. It was a magnificent day. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Suddenly, Mr. Johnson saw a tree on the road. He stopped the car and got out. He was walking to the tree when it started burning. Mr. Johnson was really frightened. When he returned to his car, he saw a note at its place. The car had disappeared. He took the note and started reading: “I know it’s crazy but this is your unlucky day. Look up. You’ll see.” He let the note fall and looked up. He gasped. The sky was dark and dust started falling. “That’s crazy”, said Mr. Johnson. All of a sudden, a huge black car was going towards Mr. Johnson. It was a car without a driver!
Gorgoraptis Steven
It was late afternoon and we were playing football in a field near my house. My friend George kicked the ball into the yard of the house nearby. We panicked because we didn’t know what to do. When we went to find the ball, we were very scared because the house was haunted. We decided to go and take the ball. When we went there, we walked into the house because we were very curious. There were mice, spider webs, old furniture, old faded pictures. Then we found a chest and we opened it. In the chest there were gold coins. Then we took the chest and went home.
Tzortzis Sifis
It was Saturday evening. Miss Jones was watching a thriller on TV when she heard a strange noise coming from the garden.
She went there to see what was wrong but she couldn’t see anything strange so she returned to her house and she continued watching the thriller.
The thriller was about a woman who lived alone in a huge house with a big garden just like hers. In the film there was a ghost killer who wanted to kill the woman by cutting her head off. The woman was trying to leave the house and escape.
While Miss Jones was drinking water, the phone rang. She went to answer and then she felt like someone was pulling her head and then… nothing…
The next day the neighbors found her lying dead on the floor holding the phone. Her head had been cut off and the TV was still on.
Stefanidi Europe
Three days ago my dad, my mum and I were in our car. We were going to my village. Suddenly, we saw a dog in the centre of the road. It was lying down and it was looking at the sun. We got out of the car and we tried to make the dog leave. Finally, the dog left and we laughed.
Dermitzaki Irini
Last month a strange accident took place in Rose Street. A woman with her daughter died and nobody knew how! A policeman said that the woman lost control of the car but nobody agreed with him.
The following day a similar accident took place in Rose Street at the same place. A reporter called Mary said that she would find the answer. She headed towards an old house which was next to the place of the accident. Mary walked very carefully but suddenly she listened to a voice which said: “Go away from here or you’ll die.” But the woman stayed there. Suddenly, a ghost appeared and she began to run because she was scared.
The following week the woman who had died appeared to Mary and told her: “The policeman who said that I lost control of the car is guilty. He killed me, my daughter and a man.” Mary asked why and the ghost said:
“Because he is my husband.” but Mary asked why he killed the man and the woman told her: ‘I don’t know but you must be careful because he’ll try to kill you because now you know about the “accident”.”
After that, Mary tried to convince people that the policeman is guilty but nobody believed her. It was Monday and Mary had an accident and died. It was the same day and at the same place where the other accidents had happened.
Today nobody knows the guilty person who committed the crimes but one girl said that a flower appeared on Mary’s tomb and nobody knows why...
Tsagaraki Ioanna
Six years ago I was in a spaceship. There I saw two aliens. They said to me: “Come here!” I said: “No I won’t come to you!”. Then superman came and said to the aliens: “Don’t hurt him” and then he killed the aliens.
Kavadias Kyriakos
It was almost midnight and I was going to sleep. I got into my room and I closed the door. I lied on my bed but something strange happened. Suddenly something hit the door. It wanted to come in the room! I was so scared! That was the scariest moment in my life. I went under the bed and the door opened very slowly and quietly… From where I was , I saw legs, my dad’s legs. Then I said: “Wait a minute, it’s my dad.” I got up and I saw my dad very angry! He told me that I made a lot of noise and he and my mum couldn’t sleep. So I went to bed and he said goodnight to me.
Hondrozoumaki Iphigenia
Last Saturday after I had studied my lessons, I decided to see a film. The film showed a man’s adventure with ghosts. The man had lots of problems in his life and he couldn’t relax. While he was sleeping, he saw a lot of ghosts. A ghost was very wild. It had a big head without hair, its eyes were very big, its ears were small, and its teeth were enormous. The ghost was chasing the man to bite him. Once, the ghost went to eat him and he was very scared. Except him I was afraid as well. I don’t want to see a film like this again.
Tzouanaki Amalia
Jenny was with her parents in their garden of their little village in America when Jenny said:
-Oh, something is in my eye, something like ash.
Then, her brother looked up into the sky and said:
-Hey, is this real ash?
Their parents looked at the sky too.
-That’s right, said their dad. Something strange is going on here. Something smells. And then…
The earth started moving. Everybody thought it was an earthquake. But they were wrong and they realised it when a red “snake” appeared. Actually it was lava. It was pouring out of a volcano, which had erupted in their village.
All the inhabitants ran away to save their lives. But nothing changed. It was very late. The inhabitants` houses were destroyed. More than seventy-five lives were lost.
Jenny tried to run away with her family but the result was tragic. The lava swept away everybody. Then, the tsunami came which was the cherry on the cake. In the end, nothing from the past was saved. People from other countries felt horrible when they heard the bad news. But scientists said that the volcano won’t erupt again. That was a really sad and tragic event. Everybody hopes that it won’t happen again-anywhere.
Papafragaki Marievi